P.O.D. proudly proclaims that they are NOT a Christian band! We want to clarify this statement by asking the question, are they Christian at all?
From the facts, they prove out to be Rastafarian, a New Age/One World Religious Cult.
Originally posing as Christian musicians they have swept the youth in by the droves converting them to Jah warriors, and now P.O.D. wants nothing to do with what they describe from their own mouth, as the "secret society of Christianity" (New Man Magazine, Nov./Dec. '02, p.21).
We must test or we will be deceived. Paul taught the Thessalonians to test all things and hold to what's good, true and right otherwise false teachers and prophets would creep in to deceive many. Jesus also taught this in Matthew 24 and in Revelation He praised the church of Ephesus for testing those calling themselves Apostles but were found, liars.
Unfortunately today, their godly advice has gone unheeded for MANY Christian leaders are, instead of testing, promoting these secular, ungodly musicians as Christian when in fact, they are not. Because of this, our youth have been lead into compromise, and ultimately complete Apostasy, a defecting from truth. (2 Thes. 2)
This is a great delusion flooding our churches!