- Play at OzzFest with Anti-Christ, satanic groups like Ozzie Osborne, korn and Iron Maiden.
P.O.D. said "it was cool"to hang out with them! (Guitar World, Nov 2001, p 104) .

- Korn, is a complete satanic group, full of blesphemy and mockery of Christ Jesus and His precious ways!
Marcos, band member of POD said this in another interview:
"...we've had a lot of opportunities to gain a lot of friends like Korn and all these different secular bands." http://www.hardrock.com/live2/stats.asp?Action=Interview&hdnEventId=1166
Here is some of the lyrics to one of their songs titled 'Dirty'
I'll die again I'll wilt again Into you You dirty little f*** Dirty little f***
But the Bible says, to have NO FELLOWSHIP with the UNFRUITFUL works of DARKNESS, but rather EXPOSE THEM! Eph 5:11
The Bible also says that to be "a FRIEND of the WORLD is to be an ENEMY of GOD"! Becuase "Light has NO FELLOWSHIP with DARKNESS"! Jesus ONLY spent time with the REPENTANT SINNERS that wanted to change their filthy ways! But He never LOWERED HIS STANDARD to "Reach" the lost.

- They performed at the Hard Rock Cafe with, Linkin Park, Project 86, (hed)p.e. As they began their concert, guess what horrible song they sang?
"they exorcised the crowd by blasting the chilling "the body of Christ compels you" sound bite from The Exorcist over and over." http://www.hardrock.com/live2/stats.asp?Action=Review&hdnEventId=1166 
Satanic, Anti-Christ |

Iron Maiden |
Iron Maiden (pictured to the right>) Completely satanic, as their album clearly shows, they sings of human sacrifice like, "Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter" ,"Killers" and "The Wicker Man", and proudly sing of satan ruling their lives in songs like, "The Number Of The Beast". In concert, lead singer Eddie, runs out spewing blood from his mouth. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A472718)
P.O.D.'s Symbol of the Traquera, used in Paganism
The symbol on their website and their latest album Satellite, proves to be a pagan, satanic, 666 symbol. Or Celtic, and identifies them with the New Age Movement or One World Religion. The following page is an excerpt from Terry Watkins' article Counterfeit, which exposes this symbol as Anti-Christ. (We only refer to this article for the purpose of the symbol) (http://www.av1611.org/nkjv.html)
 Watkins writes: "Constance Cumbey, author of The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and a notable authority on the New Age Movement said,
"On the cover of the Aquarian Conspiracy > is a Mobius,[or triskele, triquetra, 666 symbol] it is really used by them as triple six (666). The emblem [is also] on the cover of the New King James Bible [and] is said to be an ancient symbol of the Trinity. The old symbol had gnostic origins. It was more gnostic than Christian. I was rather alarmed when I noticed the emblem..." (The New Age Movement, Southwest Radio Church, 1982 p.11)
Click here to read more Facts about this Pagan Symbol
Rastafarian Aids P.O.D's Latest Album 'Satellite'
- In the following interview between Guitar World and P.O.D., shows Sonny Sandoval of P.O.D. exalting Rastafarian preacher/singer H.R.(Ras Hailu Gabriel Joseph I) for helping them with their song "Without Jah, Nothin" on their latest Satellite album. They were even pleased about HR's turban - because it looked like a royal headdress, worn by Rasta's god, Haile Selassie! Here is the interview:
- Q - Guitar World: What was it like collaborating with HR on your song "Without Jah, Nothin"?
- A - TRAA(POD member): A pleasure man, man. He had a turban on.
- A - SANDOVAL(POD lead singer): A royal headdress, like Haile Selassie [the former Ethiopian emperor, reserved by Rastafarians as an incarnation of God, their Jesus Christ]. (Guitar World, 2001, p. 52)
All we can say is "Birds of a feather, flock together". And, if they were of the LIGHT they'd have no fellowship with darkness.