Lead singer, Sonny |
P.O.D. - Christian or Rasta?
"We believe in Jesus Christ just like the Rastas do!" And they [Rastas] believe in Jesus Christ just like we do. . ." (Sonny, P.O.D. Guitar World, Nov. 2001, p. 57).
P.O.D. are not ashamed to declare they believe in Jesus Christ like the Rastafarians (Rastas) showing their Rastafarian cult ties, who are not Christian! And they claim their name means Payable On Death, which we question since they don't believe in the true Jesus Christ. Pictured on right is lead singer Sonny Sandoval in front of their blasphemous Rasta Jesus who is not truly Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, but their false messiah Haile Selassie or jah.
They have received opposition for this Rasta Jesus as well as the fact that they perform with satanists at the Ozzfest as secular magazine Guitar World says:
"Even before P.O.D. ruffled feathers by joining Ozzfest, the group caught flax from the Christian community for its controversial stage backdrop, which featured a Rasta-like image of Jesus." (Guitar World, Oct 2000, p. 100)
The Rasta Jesus induces pot smoking as one Ozzfest Concert attendant stated in this review exerpt on P.O.D.:
[as P.O.D.'s music began] ... "a few seconds later, the overpowering smell of reefer filled the daytime sky. Well, P.O.D. did have a Rastafarian Jesus hanging behind the stage." (http://www.strangerthingsmag.com/ozzfest.html)
Marijuana smoke began when this "Christian" group began to sing? Just WHO is this Rasta Jesus and why would "reefer", marijuana, fill the air? We'll be discussing this in a bit.
SECULAR magazine call POD RASTA!
Here is what Guitar World says about P.O.D.:
"A lot of the spirituality you guys project seems more akin to Rasta than mainstream Christianity" (Guitar World, Nov. 2001, p. 104)
Spin magazine calls P.O.D. a mixture of spiritual beliefs - Which is NOT TRUE Christianity, here is the quote:
"Wuv and the band have structured their lives around a spiritual belief system that cross-fades Christianity, Rastarianism and Judaism." (Joyful Noisemakers, Spin, October 2001, p. 88)
Spin magazine also writes that Sonny and Wuv were reared by their Rasta uncle, and this would explain their deep Rasta roots portrayed in their music and lifestyle.
Bob Marley |

Smoking Marijuana |
POD + Bob Marley
Musician Bob Marley, now deceased is thought of by some Rasta's that Marley was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. He is also considered a Rasta Prophet and evengelist to the Rastafarians, who sang a style of music called Reggae. Traces of this music can also be found in POD's songs.
Sonny of P.O.D. makes an incredible statement below of his great respect for the now deceased Rastafarian prophet Bob Marley and his 95%-scripture-filled music:
"If you listen to old school reggae music and Marley himself, 95 percent of his lyrics are scripture, straight from the bible, the word of God. I used to listen to reggae music and it made me a peaceful person. . . when I identified with a music, it was reggae music. We definitely respect that culture." (Sonny Scandoval, P.O.D. singer) http://www.antix.com/music/POD/POD.asp
P.O.D. respects and patterns their style after the Rastafarian Bob Marley who made Reggae widespread and it's roots are in the Rasta cult!!! This again shows their Rastafarian connection. Though Rasta's quote the Bible they are against it according to Christopher Landis in his website article entitled, " Reggae Roots an' Kulcha" :
"Hardly a word can be said about Reggae music without the name Robert Nesta Marley, a Rastafarian from Jamaica who helped to make the sound of reggae as widely accepted, and accessible as it is today. . . .
"The sound that grew from the Rastafarian tradition is called Nyabinghi, or just Reggae. It is a chant that mimics the human heartbeat. . . . The Rastafarian movement lays no claim to reggae, but many singers of reggae exalt the doctrine and beliefs of the Rastafarians. .
". . Their basic doctrine held that the Bible . . . was a ploy by Satan to mislead the faithful."
"[The Bible] is even quoted [by the Rasta's] from time to time, but in all, the Rastafarians are wary of the Christian bible. http://niceup.com/articles/roots_an_kulcha
Therefore, singing or speaking scripture isn't enough - for the devil himself misquotes Bible verses - so this shouldn't impress us. Jesus said that we'll know them by their fruit - not their words - and called those that just talked the talk, children of the devil.
More Information on P.O.D.-respected Bob Marley, the Rasta prophet
The Rastafarian's purpose is to draw in the fans of the reggae music, causing the impressionable youth to convert to Rastafarianism, and with the help of the likes of Bob Marley, they have accomplished just that! Now we have a band posing as "Christians" that are decieving the young into a Rastafarian mentality without most even knowing it - sounds to me like 'Wolves in Sheeps Clothing' - The band I am talking about is POD!
The word "reggae" is Latin for "to the king". But who is their king, because it's NOT Jesus! Marley has done far more than any other person to evangelize Rastafarianism and bring in Rasta converts through his music, Here are two examples:
"Indeed, Marley and his fellow musicians regard themselves as missionaries, dedicated to spreading the truth of Jah Rastafari. It was a crusade, it was a mission.' Remembers Judy Mowatt [one of Marley's I-Threes backup singers]. We were like sentinels, like lights. On tour the shows were like church; Bob delivering the sermon. . . " (Sean Dolan, Bob Marley, p. 95) http://www.av1611.org/crock/pod_conf.html
"The growth of the Rastafarian movement from the late 1970s to 1981 was largely due to the charismatic personality of Robert Nesta Marley [Bob Marley]. . . some have even called him the Charles Wesley of Rastafarianism." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 213)
The following quotes are from Bob Marley, which continue to show his character:
"The Devil come and me shake hands with the Devil! Devil have his part to play. Devils a good friend too" -Bob Marley (Stephen Davis, Bob Marley, p. 148)
"He was dancing in the spirit now, said the I-Threes*, who had long been convinced that when Marley was onstage he became entranced, virtually possessed." (Sean Dolan, Bob Marley, p. 101)
(*I-Threes - were Bob Marley's back-up singers, including Marcia Griffiths, Judy Mowatt, Rita Marley)
He was also involved in the occult, fortune telling, and adultery. People referred to him as being possessed while he sang! This man was completely against Christian Principles, and was bold about declaring so! THERE IS something wrong with lead singer Sonny's, bold admiration of him, so for him or any true believer to be admiring, repecting, or following a man like that, only shows his TRUE spiritual delusion!
NO true Christian would ever promote anyone that proves to be against the very principles we believe and live by.
CD album |

Fundemental Elements Of Southtown |
Message in Song Lyrics
Pictured right is one of P.O.D.'s albums, 'The Fundamental Elements of Southtown', released August 24, 1999. This album cover is full of mysticism with its jacket showing the yoga, buddhist position.
This album is promoted on the Christian "W.O.W. 2001" album - contains the song 'Set Your Eyes To Zion', here are a couple reviews:
"Set Your Eyes To Zion, the album's token roots number, is the worst offender, a High School bar band tribute to Bob Marley Lite, so intent on hitting the beat that it forgets that reggae needs soul as well."
Review of P.O.D.'s Fundamental Elements of Southtown Metal Edge Playback (www.mtledge.com)
"Next they [POD] played an incredibly moving version of "Set Your Eyes to Zion" in the spirit of Bob Marley Sonny actually sounded just like him when he held some of the higher notes." From Hard Rock Café (www.hardrock.com)
Lyrics from P.O.D.'s 'Set Your Eyes To Zion', prove they are Rastafarian and NOT Christian, but how many Christians are alert to this fact?
Look at their lyrics:
"Hey, Mr. Deadman, rejoice
...Lead me salvation, and pierce the palms of holy hands Who is the son of man? take me to the promised land Where I and I free, Jah set my mind at ease. . . don't be trapped by Babylon [chorus] Set your eyes to Zion Jah Jah people ride on . . . Hey Mr. Deadman I'll tell you if you want to know, How you can get to Heaven? Believe in I Jah Jah son"
This could sound like they were singing about Jesus Christ, right? But this is because of the ignorance of Rastafarian beliefs. From looking into the Rasta's, you will see that in reality, they are NOT singing about Jesus Christ, but a DIFFERENT 'Jesus'!
Paul warned that if he himself or an angel come with another gospel, let them be accursed, to which he added - there is no other gospel. But P.O.D. declares another gospel. They do not sing about Jesus Christ, they sing of jah!
What does 'JAH' Mean
Understanding the religious beliefs of Rastafarianism, we see that the name 'Jah' is THEIR name for their 'god'
Here is a quote from a book on Rastafarians:
"The other name reverenced in the movement is Jah." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 83)
In Rastaman Bob Marley's concerts, it was full of references to the name of their god 'Jah':
"With raised hands, in true Rastafarian style, he [Bob Marley] psyched the audiences with his familiar yell, 'Jah!' The audience responded ,'Jah!' (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 195)
". . . he never changed from his trademark introduction of 'Hail Jah Rastafari!' which was an opening prayer to Jah, the Rasta name for God." Bob Marley, in concert (Don Taylor, Marley and Me, p. 75)
"On different occasions and in different interviews, Bob often said, 'If Jah hadn't given me a song to sing, I wouldn't have a song to sing. The song comes from Jah, all the time." (Don Taylor, Marley and Me, p. 156)
The only religion that refers to the name of their god as 'Jah' are the Rastafarians - SO WHY ARE SO CALLED 'Christians' referring to others religious name for a false god? This would be like Christians starting to refer to the name of Buddah, or Allah as our other names for God!
When POD uses the words 'Jah Jah People' in the above song, keep in mind, that is not original, in fact, Bob Marley had the same exact words in many of his songs! He is quoted MANY times as referring to 'Jah Jah children' and 'Jah Jah People' and known for the Jah People Movement, where One Religion, One Music, One Love is proudly declared.
Words Used in Rastafarian Beliefs
Babylon is the Rastafarian term for anyone not Rastafarian being referred to as Babylon, especially America, and the white race of people.
Here is what Bob Marley said in an interview: "Exodus means coming together...the movement of Afrika, of Black people. Exodus from Babylon, we're in Babylon [referring to America, because he was currently in America at this time], and then a physical exodus to Home[Etheopia]." http://previewnet.com/safari/reggae2.htm
"Rastas believe that Africans once ruled the world in a state of Eden, and that they wronged Jah in some way, causing their expulsion to Babylon in the form of America and the Caribbean, and the oppression of Africans by the Europeans who so often ruled over the Africans unfairly. Rastas further believe that through their years of suffering, they have returned to Jah's favor and thus should inherit the earth that was once theirs." http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Amphitheatre/8718/Issue3/3b.html
"Despite the obvious progress, the movement still holds to its millenarian psychology by defining non-Rastafarians as 'Babylon'". (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p.243)
The Rasta's don't refer to Heaven, instead they call their Heaven 'Zion', which they believe is the land of Ethiopia, "The Promised Land" which they feel is going to raise up to take over eventually.
"Ethiopia, specifically, Africa in general, is considered the Rastas' heaven on earth." http://www.aspects.net/~nick/religion.htm
According to the Rasta's, the Lion is a very important symbol to them, it representing Halle Salassie. The Etheopian Motto is "The Lion of Judea has Prevailed"
"The Lion of Judah represents Haile Selassie, the Conqueror. It represents the King of Kings as a lion is the king of all beasts. Selassie wore a Lion of Judah ring that was given to Bob Marley at the time of Selassie's death." http://www.aspects.net/~nick/religion.htm
Jah is Rastafarians reference to their 'Jesus' and 'god', which they believe is Halle Selassie or Ras Tafari
This is another term that the Rasta's use as a reference instead of using 'You and I' - they use this because according to their beliefs, they are all bound together by the one god,which is Jah.
Rastafarians believe the black race is the reincarnation of the ancient tribes of Israel.
Now here is one example of a song by POD, where all the Rastafarian terms mentioned above are used:
Set Your Eyes To Zion
Take me to the promised land. Where I and I is free, Jah set my mind my mind at ease. . . Stick to the track and don't be trapped by Babylon.. . . Set your eyes to Zion Jah Jah people ride on....
Some teachings of Rastafarianism
Rastafarianism is a religion and way of life that began in Jamaica in the 1930's that blends components of [Judaism] Christianity, Hinduism, New Age, Mysticism, Racism and Voodoo. Followers of Rastafarianism are called Rastas, or Rastaman. In the 1930's Rastaman, Leonard Howell provided Rastafarianism's six foundational principles of Rastafarianism:
1. Hatred for the White race; 2. The complete superiority of the Black race; 3. Revenge on Whites for their wickedness; 4. The negation, persecution and humiliation of the persecution, and humiliation of the government and legal bodies of Jamaica; 5. Preparation to go back to Africa; and 6. Acknowledging Emperor Haile Selassie as the Supreme Being and only ruler of Black people" (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 85)
Rastafari is a movement of Black people who know Africa as the birthplace of Mankind and the throne of Emperor Haile Selassie I -- a 20th Century Manifestation of God who has lighted our pathway towards righteousness, and is therefore worthy of reverence. http://www.swagga.com/rasta.htm
Rastafarians teach Ras Tafari is Jah. Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, (also named Ras Tafari) who died in 1975, was Almighty God in the flesh! Jesus Christ of the Bible is NOT Jah. Rastafarians worship Haile Selassie, or Ras Tafari, as Jah, their god. Jah is not Jehovah, nor Jesus Christ, but a false messiah, like Muhammad or Buddha.
"All true Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, is the true and living god," (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 104)
They believe that Jesus Christ and Haile Selassie are one in the same:
"Jesus Christ was manifested in his second coming in the person of Jah Rastafari, Haile Sellassie I. Thus Jesus Christ and Haile Selassie are used interchangeably." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 229)
Rastas False Jesus Christ = Haile Sellassie = Jah = Their god
"On the subject of reincarnation the Rastafarians have a unique teaching akin to Hinduism. They believe that God revealed himself many ages ago in various forms. To the Hebrews, God revealed himself in the person of Moses, who was the first avatar* or savior . . .The second avatar* was Elijah, . . . The third avatar* was Jesus Christ,. . . Now the advent of Ras Tafari is the climax of God's revelation." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 112)
*Avatar: a descent or the act descending from heaven; particularly applied to the incarnations of the hindu deities, or their appearance in some manifest shape upon the earth. .
- They call Jesus Christ the Devil!
"The Whites' god [Jesus] is actually the devil, the instigator of all evils that have come upon the world, the god of hate, blood, oppression, and war, the Black god is a god of "Peace and Love"." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p.108)
- They say "Christian Preachers are deceivers".
"It follows that the Christian preachers of the White god [Jesus], especially Black clergy, are the greatest deceivers" (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, p. 108)
"The Rastafarians reject Christianity and firmly believe in Haile Selassie as the returned Messiah and Ethiopia as the promised land of all Black people." (Barret, Leonard E., The Rastafarians, Preface, xi)
Rasta's wear their hair in dreadlocks because it symbolizes their Rasta roots and their rebellion. From a Rasta webpage they tell why they wear dreads, notice how they twist the Bible verses:
"The dreadlocks on a Rasta's head symbolizes the Rastas roots, contrasting the straight, blond look of the white man and establishment. It not only shows their roots, but it is supported in the Bible: Leviticus 21:5, "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in the flesh". The way the hair grows comes to represent the symbol of the Lion of Judah. This has also come to symbolize rebellion of the system and the "proper" way to wear hair." ( http://www.rasta-man.co.uk/religion.htm)
P.O.D.'s Sonny, Wuv and Traa, also wear dreads, showing their Rasta roots.
- Smoking Marijuana To Experience god.
Rastafarianism teaches the religious use of marijuana, also referred to as kaya, ganja, or the "holy herb". Rastas openly declare their beliefs from their web page: "For the Rastafarians, however, whose beliefs are not only a religion, but a way of life, the smoking of the herb symbolizes much more than an attempt by the movement to "show its freedom from the laws of the 'Babylon'." Rather, it is an intensely religious experience,
- the key to a new understanding of the self, the universe, and God.
- According to a leading Rastafarian: Man basically is god but this insight can only come to man with the use of the herb.
- When you use the herb, you experience yourself as god.
With the use of the herb, you can exist in this dismal state of reality that now exists in Jamaica. You cannot change man, but you can change yourself by the use of the herb.
- When you are God you deal or relate to people like a god. In this way you let your light shine, and when each of use lets his light shine, we are creating a god-like culture and this is the cosmic unity that we try to achieve in the Rastafarian community."
"For the Rastafarians, then, the smoking of the herb is both a reactionary device to society, freeing the follower from the establishment, and a religious sacrament, enabling the Rastafarian a oneness with both God and himself. Today, however, as he or she recites the prayer preceding the lighting of the herb:
"Glory be to the Father and to the maker of creation As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end: Jah Rastafari: Eternal God Selassie I." (http://www.swagga.com/ganga.htm)
This is why "reefer" or marijuana smoke would ascend when P.O.D.'s music begins ... because the Rasta Jesus or Haile Selassie says "Man basically is god but this insight can only come to man with the use of the herb. When you use the herb, you experience yourself as god."
This sounds like the age-old serpenty lie spoken thousands of years in the Garden:
"For God knows that in the day that you eat [of this tree of knowledge of good and evil] YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD". (Gen.3:5)